
About Me

   Posted by: brandyness   in

God loves to take broken things and turn them into something beautiful.  God took something as broken as the Fall of mankind and turned it into something as beautiful as sacrifice of Christ for our sins.  He took the broken lives of prostitutes, beggars, and social outcasts and turned them into the leaders of his beautiful church of the redeemed.
The mission that God has given me is to redeem the broken.

This may seem vague as many people are broken, but I have come to realize that my calling will take many forms because the audience of this message is so very diverse.

While I was at Bible College, I began noticing a trend of people with a great passion to serve God in full time missions who, after graduation, would find too many obstacles and excuses for fulfilling the call of God.  These could be financial, emotional, or fearful worries, but they all resulted in someone not doing their part for the kingdom of Heaven.
The current mission God has placed before me will be to reach out to college aged students who have a passion for missions.  My hope is to form a strong support system for them so that they will not be so easily swayed by life’s constant cycle of pressures and unexpected circumstances.  God’s desire is to take these lives and turn them into something of great benefit for His purposes.  I hope to help people realize their ministry potential in Christ.